Tournament results: a great week for Joe Henbury as ‘Smokin Joe’ smashes the tournaments on 24th and 26th November 2020. Details of two forthcoming online tournaments on on Tuesday 1st December, and the monthly SCL tournament on 3rd December.
Online Tournament results 24th, 26th November
Tuesday Arena, 24th November 2020: Smokin’ Joe
13 of us participated in this week’s Arena Tournament on Tuesday 24th November, another good turnout for our online tournaments on Congratulations to Joseph Henbury (JoeHenbury), who came first by a good margin – with 100% wins. A spectator nicknamed him Smokin’ Joe (after boxing legend Joe Frazier). Well done too John Zastapilo (john_zed) 2nd, and me, Keven Lamb 3rd.

5-Round Swiss, 26th November
Eight of us played in the 5-round Swiss on 26th November. Joe Henbury concluded his week with another tremendous performance, winning all 5 of his games. Smokin Joe strikes again! It was his dad’s (Ewokmike) birthday that day, and Joe gave him a chess lesson in defeat as a gift…

Manoj Chandar joined part-way through the tournament – and he still got a virtual podium place with second! Another rising young star. Well done Manoj!
Graham Stuart (‘WillHeSac’), a frequent winner of these tournaments, had to content himself with 3rd place this week.

Forthcoming online club tournaments
Forthcoming Chandler’s Ford chess club online tournaments are set up and ready to join on The regular Tuesday Arena is on 1st December. On Thursday 3rd December there will be the monthly Southampton Chess League online Tournament, this time it will be a 5-round swiss rather than the usual SCL Arena.
Tuesday Arena, 8pm on 1st December 2020
This is our regular online tournament in which players have ten minutes each per game in the one-hour tournament. 8pm start. It’s already set up, click on the button below to go to the Tournament.
SCL 5-round Swiss, 8pm Thursday 26th November
On Thursday 3rd December there will be the monthly Southampton Chess League online Tournament, this time it will be a 5-round swiss rather than the usual SCL Arena. This starts at 8pm on Players have an initial 7 minutes each per game plus a 3-second increment per move (that is, about ten minutes each). Click on the button below to go to the Tournament.