Results of last week’s two online club tournaments on the Tuesday Arena on 25th August, and the 5-round Swiss on Thursday 27th.
Tuesday Arena, 25th August 2020
Nine of us participated in the tournament this time. It was a one-hour Arena event in which players had ten minutes each per game.
Congratulations to Rob Sims who won the event. Well done too Sam Murphy 2nd, and David Culliford (‘djc202’) 3rd.

5-Round Swiss, Thursday 27th August
Eight of us played in the 5-round Swiss on Thursday 27th August on Each Round comprised games in which players had an initial 7 minutes then 3 second increment per move.
Congratulations to Graham Stuart (‘WillHeSac’) who won this week’s Swiss with 5 straight wins in a row. Well done too David Culliford (‘djc202’) who came 2nd, and Don Creasey (‘carouselman’) 3rd.

Forthcoming online Tournaments
There are two online tournaments coming up. Firstly the regular Tuesday evening Arena (ten minutes per player per game in a one-hour tournament) on 1st September 2020.
Then on Thursday 3rd September, the Southampton v Portsmouth match that Graham Stuart has set up on, and is a ‘Team Battle’ event between the Southampton Chess League (SCL) and Portsmouth & District Chess League (PDCL). The tournament’s time control, at 7 minutes initially then 3 seconds a move increment roughly equating to ten minutes per player per game, is the same as we’ve recently used in our 5-round swiss tournaments. Please note though the slightly earlier time for this event, 7:30pm, and that it lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Click on the buttons below to go to the tournaments:
To join the Team Battle on 3rd September, join one of the teams on