This week’s round-up: the regular club online tournaments on Tuesday evening ‘Arena‘ club tournament, the Thursday club 5-Round Swiss, and the conclusion of this year’s Knockout. Plus details of the coming week’s tournaments (the club’s Tuesday Arena and on Thursday the Southampton Chess League – SCL -monthly rapid play Tournament). And we mark two years of this website
A good evening for the Henburys
Last Tuesday 22nd September was a good week for the Henbury father and son duo as they both achieved podium positions in the 11-player Arena event on Both won all their games. Joseph won the tournament whilst his dad Mike came second. Joseph won by quite a margin, as his winning streak points, plus ‘Berserk’ win bonus point widened the gap – and he’d squeezed in a game more than Mike during the hour. Well done too Rob Sims who was third.

Knockout Final Wednesday 23rd September
As reported in the previous Post, the 2020 Knockout reached its conclusion this week with the Final between Patrick Pavey and Peter Przybycin. Congratulations to Peter who retains the title from last year.
And a thank you to the event’s organiser Steve Dunleavy. See detail of his closing remarks on this year’s Knockout:
“I must admit that I was not certain whether to run the competition this year due to the current problems we are all experiencing and I was unsure if I would have sufficient support to make it a worthwhile event. In the end I was prodded into action, got the numbers to validate running it and it went quite smoothly (albeit with the odd hiccup) and I am glad that I organised it.
Steve Dunleavy
5-round Swiss 24th September
Ten of us played in this tournament. Congratulations to Keith Gregory who won this week, and well done Graham Stuart who came second and Joseph Henbury who was third.
In the last couple of weeks we’ve seen father play against son – but it sometimes happens that husband and wife also play against each other. I see that Steve and Rose have also been paired in the full standard-length game of the Summer Tournament‘s 5th Round…

Forthcoming online Tournaments
Our weekly Tuesday Arena 29th September on at 8pm, plus the monthly SCL Tournament on Thursday 1st October, also on, at 7.30pm.
The weekly Tuesday Arena is a one hour tournament in which players have ten minutes each per game.
Graham Stuart has kindly set up another of the monthly Southampton Chess League (SCL) rapid-play tournaments: ‘SCL Rapid -Tournament No 1′ Arena, Thursday 1st October at 7.30pm. The tournament lasts an hour and a half. Players have an initial 7 minutes per game, plus a 3-second increment per move (i.e. roughly ten-minutes each per game, the same time control we use for our club’s Thursday tournaments).
Website 2 years old!
Yes, this website has now been going for two years. See the link to the first Post (article) on 26th September 2018.