The Chandler’s Ford Chess Club online Lichess Ladder Tournament winner has been announced. Tournament director Nobby George declares Sam Murphy the winner of the online tournament.

Lichess Ladder Winner Announced
Hi Ladder People.
I believe the Ladder has run its course as it was only intended to fill in whilst we were in Lockdown, I would like to Congratulate SAM MURPHY for being the overall Winner. Thanks to all those that took part, See you all at the Club, shortly I Hope.
Sam Murphy wins the 2020-21 Lichess Ladder
Sam Murphy ascended the ‘Ladder’ by challenging opponents above him on the Ladder – and beating them. He has been at the top of the Ladder for many weeks now, and has just been declared the winner. Congratulations Sam!
The Lichess Ladder
Nobby George has run the Ladder as an over-the-board event at the Chandler’s Ford Chess Club since 2017. The Covid Pandemic made over the board chess impossible, so he set up the Lichess Ladder Tournament, so named because it is played online at The games were still of standard length, 90 minutes per player for all moves, and the other tournament rules applied. These include a player being able to challenge an opponent up to 4 rungs above them on the Ladder. A successful challenge saw the players swap places on the Ladder; a draw or defeat for the challenger would leave the players as they were.
There were 17 players in the Chandler’s Ford Chess Club lichess Ladder.
Sam was the first Ladder winner, in 2017-18. Pictured below: event organiser Nobby George presents the Ladder Trophy to Sam Murphy at the presentation in May 2018.