The player pairings for the Book Prize Tournament 2021-2 Round 6 are announced. Tournament organiser Peter Przybycin gives an update from Round 5 and the scores so far, and announces the Round 6 pairings.

Round 5 update
Hi All,
There is just one result to report from the fifth round this week, but it is a significant one. Steve Saunders beat John Kooner in the minor section. This means that John has dropped his first point in the tournament, and now there are just two players unbeaten on five points; Maha Chandar and Nobby George. John has a chance to fight back however, as he has still to play either Maha or Nobby in the tournament. In fact, he is paired against Nobby in round six!
Current scores:
Minor Section:
- Nobby George 5/5
- Maha Chandar 5/5
- John Kooner 4/5
- Steve Saunders 3/5
- Rob Strachan 2/4
- Geoff Parish 2/5
- Ian Parker 1.5/4
- Lee Mundy 1.5/5
- Steve Dunleavy 0/5
- Rose Saunders 0/5
Major section:
- Keith Gregory 5/5
- Graham Stuart 3.5/4
- Eric Jones 2.5/3
- Sam Murphy 2/5
- Manoj Chandar 2/5
- Rob Sims 2/5
- Peter Przybycin 1.5/4
- Mike Henbury 1.5/4
- Keven Lamb 1/4
- Dick Meredith 1/5
Book Prize Round 6 Pairings
- Rob Strachan v Rose Saunders
- Steve Saunders v Lee Mundy
- Steve Dunleavy v Ian Parker
- Geoff Parish v Maha Chandar
- John Kooner v Nobby George
- Mike Henbury v Rob Sims
- Keven Lamb v Dick Meredith
- Eric Jones v Keith Gregory
- Manoj Chandar v Sam Murphy
- Peter Przybycin v Graham Stuart
All games in round 6 to be completed if possible by March 26th 2022.
All the best,
Rules Reminder
(for full list see the Tournament’s Page) :
- Rate of play – 90 minutes each for the whole game.
- The first named player has the white pieces.
- Games will (preferably) be played over-the-board at chess club, or at the home of the player with the white pieces. Score sheets and clocks should be used.
- Games may alternatively be played online, using Lichess, by mutual consent. Score sheets are not needed for online games.
- Online games will not be sent for grading.