Graham Stuart has set up an online Team Battle on for Thursday 3rd September. He recently created the SCL and PDCL teams on lichess in preparation. Join Southampton Chess League or Portsmouth & District Chess League – or both online clubs (when you join the Team Battle tournament choose which team you are playing for in that event).
The event lasts for an hour and a half, and starts at 7:30 pm on Thursday 3rd September 2020. There won’t be a clash with the Chandler’s Ford Thursday tournament, as we will skip setting one up that week to avoid such a clash. Time control: the players each have 7 minutes initially plus 3 seconds increment per move in each game.
A message below from Graham Stuart about this event :
SCL – PDCL Chess tournament, Thursday 3rd September, 7.30pm start
Hi all – I have created the 1st SCL – PDCL Chess tournament for 3rd September. Initially this has been created as a blitz/rapid event with a time control of 7mins + 3secs for each game and a total playing session of 90 minutes (i.e. ending at 9pm). Further matches may have a different time control, but this is one which has proved popular in other tournaments. We could do with some more members, so please put the word out to other players in your league.
Players can register to join the SCL squad at:
(and there is a similar link for the Portsmouth team), which will then allow you to join the tournament on the day.
These are planned to run monthly and will set up a forum post for any suggestions on format / frequency etc. I know the current date may clash with some internal chess tournaments, but finding a suitable time slot which did not clash was difficult.
Graham Stuart

Join the SCL or PDCL teams on
Join the Southampton Chess League Team on by clicking the button below and click Join when you get to the team on
To join the Portsmouth & District Chess League Team on click the button below and click Join when you get to the team on
Join the SCL v PDCL Team Battle tournament
Once you’ve joined one or both teams, enter the event (decide at that point which team you’re playing for if you’re in both clubs).