This week: Hampshire Juniors victory against Berkshire Juniors; West England Chess Union (WECU) County chess online matches from January; results of this week’s club online tournaments, and details of the forthcoming tournaments.
Hampshire Juniors Victory in Team Battle
The Team Manager of the Hampshire Juniors , Maha Chandar, reports that the Hampshire Juniors won their online Team Battle on against the Berkshire Juniors team 322 points to 208. The Saturday Afternoon Event on 31st October 2020 was a Team Battle tournament , a team version of the Arena tournaments. The Event was a 2-hour tournament. Well done Hampshire! 54 players took part. See the tournament results list in full at:

There are some impressive statistics from the tournament:

Maha runs the Chandlers Ford Junior Chess Club.
Tuesday Arena, 27th October
Nine of us participated this week in the online tournament on 27th October. Congratulations to Don Creasey on coming first. Well done too Dean Shaw (Sheff84) 2nd, and David Culliford (djc202) 3rd. Dean has only recently joined our lichess club and is off to a good start.

5-round Swiss Tournament 29th October
Nine of us participated this week in the online tournament on 29th October. Congratulations to Graham Stuart (WillHeSac) on coming first. Well done too Keith Gregory 2nd, and Patrick Pavey 3rd.

WECU Online County Chess
Hampshire Team Captain Fraser Mcleod announces the online West England County chess championship:
We have been invited to participate in an online West of England championship along with Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. The proposed format is one game on Lichess every 3 weeks starting early in January, Sunday evenings starting at 7 p.m.
Rate of play: 90’/15″. Results submitted to ECF for online ratingPlease let me know if you’d be interested in playing.
Regards Fraser
Fraser McLeod
Forthcoming online tournaments
Two online tournaments on, our regular Tuesday Arena on 3rd November, and on Thursday 5th November the monthly Southampton Chess League Rapid Arena Tournament (the SCL Rapid – Tournament No 2 Arena on lichess).
The Tuesday Arena tournament is a one-hour event in which players have ten minutes each per game (i.e. a rapid play). It starts at 8pm. Click on the button below to be taken to the tournament on – it’s already set up.
The SCL tournament starts at 7:30 pm on Thursday 5th November, and is a one and a half hour Arena event. The time control is 7 minutes initially per player per game plus a 3 second increment per move – the same as our 5-round swiss events.
To participate you need to be in the Southampton Chess League ‘club’ on Click on the button below to go to the SCL club screen on, and join the club.