This week: online tournament results for 6th and 8th October; forthcoming online tournaments Tuesday 13th and Thursday 15th October. Plus, the ECF Under 18s County Championship.
Online tournament results 6th October
Twelve of us took part in this week’s weekly online ‘Arena’ online tournament on 6th October on Congratulations to David Culliford (djc202) who won this week’s Tournament. Well done too Don Creasey 2nd and Joseph Henbury 3rd.

Looking at the standings above, Joe and John had the same number of points – and in the same order. The lichess system does show a Performance statistic though, and can tie-break from that.

5-round Swiss 8th October results
Eight of us played in this tournament. Congratulations to Joseph Henbury who won this week, and well done Graham Stuart who came second and Rose Saunders who was third. Rose is a regular tournament player but this was her first time on the ‘podium’: well done Rose!

Forthcoming online tournaments
Our two regular club tournaments online this week at – the Tuesday Arena on 13th October, and the 5-Round Swiss on Thursday 15th, both at 8pm on the respective evenings.
ECF online Under 18 County Championship
More details to follow in a separate Post, but here’s an early mention of this event (see Hampshire Junior website article) , which will be on Saturday 21st November 2020. Our own chess club member Maha Chandar is Hampshire’s Team Manager. Hampshire are looking for Juniors to play in the Under 18 County Championship, and entries must be in by 9pm on Wednesday 18th November.