Results of last week’s tournaments on 17th and 19th November; details of three forthcoming online tournaments on on Tuesday 24th, Thursday 26th, and Tuesday 1st December.
Online Tournament results 17th, 19th November
Tuesday Arena, 17th November 2020: berserker storms the (virtual) podium!
14 of us participated in this week’s Arena Tournament on Tuesday 17th November, another good turnout for our online tournaments on Congratulations to David Culliford (‘djc202’), who came first. Well done too Andy Mills 2nd, and me, Keven Lamb 3rd.
As well as the bonus points from a lichess ‘winning streak’ David had also made great use of going ‘Berserk‘ (in which players have half the time but gain a bonus point – if they win). The gamble paid off – berserker David had a good gap between him and Andy on 2nd.

5-Round Swiss tournament 19th November: Chandler’s Ford goes global
Eight of us played in the Thursday evening online tournament on 19th November. Congratulations to Graham Stuart (‘WillHeSac’) who won this week with 4.5 wins out of 5 games. Well done too John Zastapilo (john_zed) 2nd, and Kev Byard 3rd.
The chess club’s former players can now be found across the world, as this time Belgium-based John was joined on the virtual podium by another former club player Kev Byard who lives in New Zealand! Kev moved to New Zealand 16 years ago but used to play for the club when we were in Eastleigh. Whilst it was an evening tournament for us, it was morning for him.

Forthcoming online club tournaments
Three Chandler’s Ford chess club online tournaments are set up and ready to join on the regular Tuesday Arena on 24th November, and our 5-round Swiss on Thursday 26th. Plus the following week’s Tuesday Arena on 1st December.
Tuesday Arena, 8pm on 24th November 2020
This is our regular online tournament in which players have ten minutes each per game in the one-hour tournament. 8pm start. Click on the button below to go to the Tournament.
5-round Swiss, 8pm Thursday 26th November
On Thursday 19th the club has its regular 5-round Swiss tournament. This starts at 8pm on Players have an initial 7 minutes each per game plus a 3-second increment per move (that is, about ten minutes each). Click on the button below to go to the Tournament.
Tuesday Arena, 8pm on 1st December 2020
Looking ahead, another Tuesday Arena is set up and ready to join for 1st December. This is our regular online tournament in which players have ten minutes each per game in the one-hour tournament. 8pm start. Click on the button below to go to the Tournament.