The Book Prize Tournament 2023-24 begins, one of four Chandler’s Ford Chess Club tournaments. This year’s Book Prize Tournament started at the beginning of September 2023. It is organised by Peter Przybycin. Here he announces the start of the new tournament.

Hi All,
Welcome to the fourth Chandlers Ford Book Prize Tournament!
We have 30 entries, 10 in the Premier, 10 in the Major, and 10 in the Minor. The tournament will have nine rounds, with one round every five weeks, so the tournament should last 45 weeks, ending August 2024.
Rate of play will be 90 minutes each for the whole game.
If two players tie for first place in any section, the book prize will go to the winner of their individual game. If that was a draw, then there will be a replay with reversed colours. If the replay is drawn, the player with the lower published grade (at the time of the replayed game) will take the prize.
These are the pairings for round 1 (first named player has white):
Premier Section:
- Peter Eales v Iwan Cave
- Connor Frost v Graham Stuart
- Cary Xie v Rob Sims
- Sam Murphy v Peter Przybycin
- Philip Tarrant-Edwards v Andy Mills
Major Section:
- Patrick Pavey v Frazer Burlinson
- Richard Meredith v John Kooner
- Daniel Phillips v Nobby George
- Keven Lamb v John Davis
- John Pellegrini v Alikhan Menseitov
Minor Section:
- Rose Saunders v Lee Mundy
- Steve Dunleavy v Alan Weaver
- Ian Parker v James Gray
- Rob Strachan v Steve Saunders
- Geoff Parish v Mike Davis
Please complete the above games by 4th October 2023.
All the best,
Peter P.