We held our fifth online club tournament on Tuesday 16th June. It was a Rapid play tournament on lichess.org, in which players had ten minutes per player per game. The event was an Arena format for one hour, and there were 12 players – our best yet for numbers of players.
Congratulations to Graham Stuart (‘WillHeSac’) on winning this week’s tournament! And well done to Keith Gregory 2nd and Don Creasey (‘carouselman’) 3rd. There were some great scores in the tournament.
The Arena format means that after a game you don’t wait for everyone to finish a round, but get paired again as soon as other players finish their games. One player – Rob Strachan – managed to get seven games played in the hour!

Next tournament
The next online Chandler’s Ford club tournament will be next Tuesday, 23rd June, at 8pm. The Arena is already set up, you can join at any time from now.