Online Tournaments: Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th July

There will be our regular Tuesday online club Arena tournament tomorrow 28th July at 8pm on At the moment there should be no clash with over the board chess as that has yet to resume. The event will be the usual format of ten minutes per player per game in a one-hour Arena tournament online at

In addition, there will be another 5-round swiss tournament online this week, on Thursday 30th at 8pm. Last week’s first swiss event was fun and players seemed to enjoy it, so let’s do another. This week, as last week’s, ten minutes per player per game in a 5 round tournament on

Both tournaments have been set up on and can be joined anytime now. The actual start times are 8pm for both Tuesday and Thursday. To join, click on the relevant link above or the buttons below, and when you get to the event, click Join.

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