The Ladder Tournament 2024-25

The Chandler’s Ford Chess Club Ladder Tournament 2024-25 is organised by Rob Sims. It started in September 2024 and runs until 2nd September 2025, when the top three players will play-off to decide the winner.

The Chandlers Ford Ladder Trophy
The Chandlers Ford Chess Club Ladder Trophy

Players may challenge up to 4 places above their own step. The time control for the games is 80 minutes plus 10 seconds per move for each player. Player colour is decided by one of the players choosing a black or white pawn from a closed hand. For the full Rules, see below.

The game results are rated for ECF grading, and can be found on the Ladder’s LMS (League Management System) page:

The latest Ladder positions: 20th March 2025

1Rob Sims
2Alan Weaver
3Steve Dunleavy
4Steve Saunders
5Rose Saunders
6Geoff Parish
7Brian Jones
8James Gray
9Dick Meredith
10Patrick Pavey
11Stephen Lineker-Miller
12Robert Strachan
13Peter Lasham
14John Kooner
15John Davis
16Sam Spencer
17Sam Murphy
18Isaac Yip
19Theo Horne
20Keven Lamb
21Lynden Rickwood
22Peter Eales
23Cary Xie
24Andy Mills
25Alikhan Mentseitov
26Peter Przybycin


  • Initial positions on the ladder are determined in order of rating.
  • All games to be played on the clock, which will be set at 80 minutes each with 10 second increments per move.
  • You may challenge anyone who is one, two, three, or four places above you on the ladder.
  • A challenge cannot be made more than 7 days ahead of a game. Once a challenge is accepted neither the challenger nor the player being challenged may make or accept another challenge.
  • The decision as to who plays white is made at the start of the game by one of the players choosing a black or white pawn from a closed hand.
  • You can email challenges to your eligible opponents in advance, but it won’t count as a loss if your opponent is unable to play for any reason. 
  • If the lower ranked player wins, the lower ranked player takes the higher ranked player’s position on the ladder, and the higher ranked player moves down one place.
  • If the higher ranked player wins, there is no change in the players’ rankings.
    If the game ends in a draw, the lower ranked player takes the position just below the higher ranked player.
  • After a ladder game is played, at least one of the players must play a ladder game against someone else before they can play each other again.
  • Please report all results of games to me and I will  submit them to ECF for grading purposes.
  • The top three players on Tuesday 2nd September 2025 will play off to decide the eventual winner. Players in second and third place play each other and the winner plays the player in first place.

Rob Sims September 2024