Tournament organiser Rob Sims announces that the New Ladder starts for 2022-23.

The new chess ladder starts next week and will run until 12th September 2023.
As usual I have ranked players in reverse order based on the October ECF grades and games can be played from next Tuesday.
I appreciate that the league has just started, the Summer Tournament is still running and the Book Tournament is also starting, so I’m not expecting many games to be played for a while!
Please take a moment to read the rules which are attached as I have made some changes to help increase movement on the Ladder and encourage people to challenge others as and when possible.
I’d like to thank Keith for making suggestions and letting me see how the Fareham Club organise their ladder.
Best wishes
Rob Sims
Click the link button below to go to the Ladder Page, with the latest ladder positions plus the Rules.
Ladder 2022-23 Rules
- Initial positions on the ladder are determined in order of grade.
- All games to be played on the clock, which will be set at 90 minutes each and played to a finish.
- You may challenge anyone who is one, two, three, or four places above you on the ladder.
- A challenge cannot be made more than 7 days ahead of a game. Once a challenge is accepted neither the challenger nor the player being challenged may make or accept another challenge.
- The player making the challenge plays white. The person being challenged plays black.
- You can email challenges to your eligible opponents in advance, but it won’t count as a loss if your opponent is unable to play for any reason.
- If the lower ranked player wins, the lower ranked player takes the higher ranked player’s position on the ladder, and the higher ranked player moves down one place.
- If the higher ranked player wins, there is no change in the players’ rankings. If the game ends in a draw, the lower ranked player takes the position just below the higher ranked player.
- After a ladder game is played, at least one of the players must play a ladder game against someone else before they can play each other again. Please report all results of games to me and I will submit them to ECF for grading purposes.
- The top three players on Tuesday 12th September 2023 will play off to decide the eventual winner. Players in second and third place play each other and the winner plays the player in first place.
- Online games can only be played against Mike Henbury.
Rob Sims October 2022