The Southampton Chess League will hold its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14th June 2022 – at our club’s venue, the Chandler’s Ford Central Club. The SCL AGM will start at 7:30pm.
SCL AGM Agenda
SCL AGM 14th June. Southampton Chess League EGM, Tuesday 14 June 2022, 7.30pm, Chandlers Ford Central Club (2 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, SO53 2FZ)
- Welcome Thanks to Chandlers Ford club for hosting us.
- Apologies for absence
- Minutes of previous EGM (13 October 2021) and matters arising
- Secretary / Fixture Secretary reports
- Treasurer Report and League Subs See statement below to be done, prepared by Fraser McLeod who is acting as interim treasurer as no one else has offered to take on the role since Robin Williams stood down.
- Website Robin Williams wishes to stand down from the webmaster role. He advises that now the website is set up it requires minimal effort to maintain.
- Grading
- Election of officers – The roles of treasurer and webmaster are vacant. We will likely need a new Chairperson as we understand that Chris Priest has been in poor health. Matthew Coldwell (Vice-chair) may wish to take this role (to be confirmed). Malcolm Clarke and Fraser McLeod are willing to continue as Fixtures Sec and League Sec, respectively. Roger Marsh (Grading Officer) is willing to continue in this role despite no longer living in the area.
- Proposals
- Planning for the next season
a) Do we want a full season, i.e. from October to May?
b) Do we want 5-board matches instead of 4 in top divisions?
c) How many teams does each club want to field?- League structure – tentatively place teams into five divisions. The SCL committee hope that we will have more teams than this season and that this may avoid relegations this season.
- Trophy presentations
Note: Robertson Cup, Individual and Rapidplay competitions were not held this season. See League winners table below for 2018-9 and 2022:
Division | 2018-9 winner | 2022 winner |
1 | Ringwood A | Fareham A |
2 | Hamble B | Salisbury A |
3 | Ringwood B | Basingstoke A |
4 | Salisbury C | Fareham B |
5 | Ringwood C | Basingstoke C |
12. Any other business
How the 2022 (half)-season ended: see table above for Division winners. Click the button below to go to the SCL Website to see the Division Tables for full fixtures and results:
Chandler’s Ford Secretary Honoured at Previous SCL Meeting
Our Club Secretary Malcolm Clarke was awarded League and Club Trophies for his long service at last year’s meeting, which was in October 2021.

2022 Chandler’s Ford Season Review
Graham Stuart has compiled an excellent review of Chandler’s Ford Chess Club’s 2022 season, and analyses the performances of each of our club’s League teams. Click below to see his Review.