Chess Club AGM this Wednesday 11th September 2024

The Chandler’s Ford Chess Club AGM will be on Wednesday11th September 2024. The Annual General Meeting 2024 will be at the Club’s venue at the Central Club, at 7:30pm.

See the Agenda below. Topics will include various issues and will prepare the club for the forthcoming 2024-25 Season.

Chess set metal pieces on marble board


Chandler’s Ford Chess Club  AGM. 7.30 pm Wednesday 11th September 2024

1 Apologies

2 Minutes of Special General Meeting 10th April 2024

3 Matters Arising 

4 Officer Reports:

  1. Secretary  (Malcolm)
  2. Treasurer/ Membership  (Suzan)
  3. President/ Liaison/Social  (Nobby)
  4. Website    (Keven)

5.Issues Raised by club members:-

i)Andy – standardise time control for club tournaments to 80+10 / ladder changes/ noticeboard/ annotated games by A team players?

            ii)Peter E- storage space for senior+junior club/  U18 subs/ Noise levels in club room/membership limit?/CFCC recording sheets  

             iii) Graham  – Cole Cup/Most improved player award/Recorded games quantity and timing/squad photos;  Presentation Evening / CCFC Online Rapid Tournament

6.Team Captains/ Squads / Nominated Players for 24-25 season

7. AOB

8.Presentation of trophies ( if agreed above.)

AGM reminder message from Chairman Rob Sims:

Just a final reminder that our AGM is on Wednesday at 7.30 pm this week after Junior Chess Club finishes at 7.00pm.

It’s a bit of a club tradition that some people pay their CFCC membership fee  after the meeting, although there is no compulsion to do so!  We now have a bank account set up, so the days of payment into a suspicious looking plastic bag are now over!!

I’m sure that Suzan, our new Treasurer, would be happy for you to make payment by bank transfer if you would like to and she will provide details at the meeting or in an email.

Best Wishes

Rob Sims

Maha Chandar hands over Treasurer role to Suzan Dunleavy
Maha Chandar hands over Treasurer role to Suzan Dunleavy
Maha Chandar is thanked for her role as Treasurer over many years, by Chairman Rob Sims
Maha Chandar is thanked for her role of Treasurer over many years, by Chairman Rob Sims at the 2024 SGM. Photo by Suzan Dunleavy

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