Castle Chess have their 16th Fareham Congress tournament on Friday 28th February- Sunday 1st March 2020. It will be at the Lysses House Hotel, 51 High Street, Fareham, PO16 7BQ.
Castle Chess have run a number of Congresses over recent years at this pleasant venue: this is Castle Chess’s “16th Fareham Congress” (they quite often host two Congresses per year at the Lysses, one earlier in the year, one in the Autumn.)
The format of the Congress is a six-Round Swiss: round one on the Friday evening, three rounds on the Saturday, and the last two games on the Sunday, with prize-giving by 17:30. Byes may be requested.
There are three sections: Open (including Premier Under 175 ECF grade), Major U155 (including Intermediate U135), and the Minor U115 (including Challengers U95).
The Congress costs £34 to enter, with a £7 discount for Juniors. There are also various accommodation packages – available through Castle Chess – if you would like to stay at the Lysses.
The rate of play for the games is 36 moves in 90 minutes plus 15 minutes QPF (Quick Play Finish).
EVENT ENQUIRIES: Tony Corfe, 51 Borough Way, Potters Bar, Herts. EN6 3HA Tel: 01707 661160 Mob: 07973 516718 email: tony@MrCorfe.co.uk or marc.shaw.chess@gmail.com. See the Castle Chess website’s Fareham Congress form page: CastleChess.co.uk